Friday, October 16, 2009

What a day!

It has been a busy day! Dustin is thrilled to say the least. We are both very excited that this baby boy is on the way! Let the monogramming and clothes buying begin.
My ultrasound appointment went great. Baby Harris looked good and on track from what we could tell. That made Momma happy! Not only was the gender reveal a fun surprise but we also got another great surprise. To make a long story short, the lady that has done all 3 ultrasounds told me she wanted to ask me something before we started. I was a little unsure of what was going on at first but she started explaining that we had had a rocky start and she hated that Dustin was gone. She said she hates that he has not seen the baby move and that we should experience this together. She told me that she told her husband(who to our surprise is the owner of the imaging place) about us and our situation so they want us to come in when he gets back and have a 4D charge. I was shocked to say the least. I was so happy and touched. So now we get to see Baby H one more time before the big day in March..and this time we get to do it together. I have always been crazy about the ultrasound tech at this imaging place but this did it even more. We are so truly blessed and lucky.
One prayer request before I go..I had a cyst back a few weeks ago on my ovary that was pressing on a nerve. Well, today I found out that it has gotten bigger. Please pray that it shrinks. We do not want it to rupture or get bigger. I go in for my 20wk appt. on Mon. so I am sure I will know a little more then.

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